Wednesday 1 November 2017

How Do I Cope With Haters???
When I was going through bullying, I didn't want to tell anyone as I kept it all bottled up. I try not to let haters bother me. But sometimes the pressure can actually get to you. Because of it all, I have been through a lot of phases of low self-esteem, and lack of confidence. I used to struggle to make friends a lot, because I didn't know how. Because it was like people just pushed me away whenever I tried to talk to them. But I just try to ignore haters. Because if you look like the stronger person they will get bored and leave you alone. If it's on social media, and if it is making you feel really upset, it's best to tell someone, report that person and then block them.

Why is it that a lot of people are perfect??
I think as a society today we set our standards high. This is a problem that can be linked to low self-esteem. Society has their ideas oft he perfect person, and they see them in magazines. They want to be like them. Because that person probably has everything, small waist, toned abs, thin legs. I think that is best to be yourself. It doesn't matter if you aren't up to society's standards because you are you, and then person you see in the mirror should be your standard. In reality noone is perfect. Everyone has flaws, you may not see flaws, but theit flaws could be on the inside not on the outside. They might look happy on the outside, but on the inside they might not be happy.

How do I write songs????
I think that there is no real way of writing a song. You need to have inspiration for a start. You can find that inspiration all around you. You could write a song about a door. It sounds stupid, but inspiration can present itself in different ways. You need to listen to music and just feel the music. Think about what it would be like to be in that situation described by the lyrics. Think of other situations that could be linked to that song. Then what you need to do is tell a story, that could have happened before the story in those lyrics. Songwriting can be described as telling a story through the power of music.

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